Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Other jali usefulness as a beverage

Other jali usefulness as a beverage is beer (in Japan and the Philippines), as an ornamental plant, as deworming medication that is taken the roots, leaves can be used for roofs (Nurmala, 2003).

Kontes SEO 2014 Jali itself is the name of the grain-producing plant (Coix lacrma-jobil), which originated from South and East Asia. However, the current distribution has been expanded to Southeast Asia to Indonesia. In Indonesia, the plant can be found growing jali evenly, especially in Sumatra, Java and Borneo. Some are cultivated communities to produce food, but many grow wild along the grass and other shrubs.
The process of disposal of the seed coat, and flouring penyosohan jali, can be done manually with a mortar and pestle, but it could also be a mechanical huller. The process is the same as grinding and menyosoh menepungkan rice or corn. Only the huller machine must be set to grind jali, which is similar to the process menyosoh coffee beans. Flouring process done by machine dry, until the flour jali can be directly deposited to be processed according to the needs. Milling jali not prevalent in rural areas because of the volume of production is still very low.


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