Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dijelaskanya , various kinds of ornamental fish

Dijelaskanya , various kinds of ornamental fish was exported to several Asian countries and even other countries in Europe . However , the greatest is to the country of Singapore . The Farmers membudidayakannnya then collected by one of the " Collectors " who also is the coach Department of Agriculture Farmers Group , Saimin . Saimin subsequently sold to exporters who only satu0satunya in Depok this as Ornamental Fish exporters .
Seasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014While they do that, according to the Chairman Pokdakan ( Aquaculture Group ) , Ahmad Saidi , when describing exposure keberadaaanya , that this Pokdakan stood since last February 7, 2012 , with a focus on fish farming Neon Tetra , Cardinal , Rednos and Manfis . " Currently , we have 20 members with 18 16540 aquarium and labor . Our average production for ornamental fish tail neon tetra is 600,000 / month , " he asserted .
Then , he continued , to package the technology , we have interbred manfish fish species . For social and economic , we have employment, contribute , and contribute to the development of Depok . " Not only to help repair roads infrastructure development needs , but also a variety of other community needs in terms of economic empowerment as well we are doing to increase their purchasing power and regardless of unemployment and poverty , " said Ahmad Saeedi menambahkan.NextApart from the various ken - dala , beter call - boy Aditya neon tetra is quite advantageous . Only a few day since mated , the fish will spawn .Each month , Aditya 1,300 mating pairs of breeding neon tetra in a special aquarium . This aquarium tertu closed the black plastic and are in a dark room . Aquarium lighting should be dim because fish eggs are very sensitive to light .After spawning , the parent separates from the egg farmers . Parent pair can produce about 100 eggs . In a matter of 24 hours , the eggs will hatch into fry ( tillers ) .Transferred to a separate akurium seed and fed Artemia or brine shrimp eggs imported from the U.S. and Thailand . Aditya spent three cans of Artemia per month to feed a child . The price of 1 kg tin Artemia size around Rp400.000 .For maintenance tiller , dirt in the aquarium needs to be sucked out from under two weeks. The disease commonly affects the neon tetra is rusty in the body .Hence , Aditya gives a solution of salt water into the aquarium . " Chicks who live up to the size of 0.8 cm from a pair of sires only about 20 birds , " he said .To avoid the expenditure of feed and high mortality risk , Aditya chose not to sell puppies and enlargements. With a month of production 120000-200000 tail and a selling price of Rp150 , Aditya turnover of about Rp18 million to Rp30 million every month .Profit margin reached 70 % .
ADRO TEXTILE Konveksi Murah Indonesia – Tlp 081362666444 !Therefore , it is only the cost of feed 40 days and pay three workers . ( Kt )- See more at : http://jurnalasia.com/2014/01/06/ikan-neon-tetra-yang-menawan/ # sthash.3Dksn6Ti.dpuf

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