Friday, May 30, 2014

Once evenly mixed media then put into

Once evenly mixed media then put into polybag seedlings derukuran 8cmx10cm size. Seeds embedded into the media of 1 item / media. for accelerating the germination of seeds put in the dark, could be closing thrust way up to the sun can also ill get in the way of media surface covered with burlap / sarlon / paranet or mulch can also use PHP then guarded the main humid. (Tampa actually darken the room also seeds will grow Gudang303 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014but the time will be much longer than the open)
If the seeds have germinated then opening the lid surface seedling media do then do penyungkupan with transparent plastic. To do enough air circulation mulch periodically opening at 07:00 to 09:00, and 15:00 to 17:00 hours. After a 14-day-old seedlings by planting mulch should be opened full aims to strengthening crop so as not to suffer from stress when grown in the field. For Watering should not be too wet and effort. Penberian done drugs fueled peyemprotan active fungicide and insecticide-fueled simoksanil imidakloprid active at the age of 30 HSS (days after sowing) with a dose of ½ of the lowest dose. If the seed-me-downs have 4 true leaves ready for planting the land transfer.
How Planting Papaya Open polybag seedlings Input into the pit that was completed two weeks ago (have to dig a little question had been exposed to rain) Compact the soil to compact, this meant that the land was in the polybag and in the Embankment soil quickly coalesce and be more lecap merayapnya. More will be more rapid growth in darkness. Then do the watering, until saturated soil until the cavities closed with sprinkling expect this.

Embroidery, though the planting is done carefully but still there are only dead plants pepeya especially if we plant in large quantities, so do embroidery. But the stitching is done only crop up with age 1.5 months. Why only at the age of 1.5 months crop? Because plant-me-downs too old when sown later will still continue to influence pest diseases.
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014

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