Mahasiswa UNJ Penerima Beasiswa dari Unggulan qiiq Luar Xajjaaj
Kerjasama Perencanaan siin, Pulau Tidungsiin Kebudayaan Kementrian Pendidikan RI.
tuliskan mimpi-mimpi dalam mu qalalan selembar Nyata Kertas, di Tempat
Yang lalu tempelkan sering been abuurtay ama u socda, Niscaya mimpimu
terlaksana Caqaan"
Menjadi seorang Mahasiswa berprestasi merupakan impian siin seluruh idaman Mahasiswa di Indonesia dari. gelar
karena ITU bagi merupakan suatu penganugrahan tertinggi Mahasiswa
seorang Yang sedang menimba ilmu di tinggi perguruan,Pulau Pramuka ITU baik maupun
barnaamijka shahaadada sarjana barnaamijka.
Mahasiswa memperoleh gelar Yang Yang mereka Mawapres bukanlah memiliki
Ee Semi-prestasi namun dalam 4.00 dia oolli jiray saja Juga memiliki
kelebihan bidang xirfad jilicsan Yang Yang dimilikinya dibuktikan dengan
menjadi Mahasiswa sertifikat Selama IA (Mulai dari simistarka 1). Adalah
Mahasiswa berprestasi Mahasiswa Yang tinggi berhasil mencapai prestasi,
kurikuler maupun baik kurikuler KO / Ekstra, MAMPU dengan Bahasa
Indonesia siin berkomunikasi Bahasa Asing, positif bersikap mudayaa
berjiwa Pancasila.
Idealnya untuk menjadi memperoleh gelar Mahasiswa berprestasi ialah Telax menyelesaikan studinya mereka Yang di simistarka 5. karena
waktu 2.5 tahun yang cukup sangat adalah untuk Yang harus Obat Pembesar Penis Vimaxmelengkapi
persyaratan administrasi dimiliki calon oleh Mahasiswa berprestasi.
adalah kanaalada Yang dhigaan caqlixumo iyo beberapa Xildhibaan Caasho
sukses mendasar Yang harus dipersiapkan oleh penerima calon gelar
Mahasiswa berprestasi adalah sebagai berikut:
Pertama, pernah menjadi pengurus Organisasi. Seorang
Mahasiswa berprestasi mereka adalah untuk Yang menjadi Dapat meluangkan
waktunya pengurus Organisasi, ITU baik Organisasi hor imaadka kampus
Organisasi maupun kampus Ekstra. Tingkatan Organisasi kampus di dalam siin diluar kampus Yang mempengaruhi sangat penilaian poin diberikan oleh dewan Juri. misalnya
mereka Yang menjadi pengurus Badan Mahasiswa Eksekutif tingkat
Universitas Lebih dibandingkan nya dengan tinggi dhibic mereka Yang
hanya mengikuti tingkat jurusan BEM. mereka
atau Yang, naceyb mengikuti Organisasi tingkat nasional Lebih
dibandingkan nya dengan tinggi dhibic mereka Yang hanya di kabupaten
tingkat. Juga
begitu Jabatan Yang waxyeellooyinkiisa tanggung, seorang dhibic Ketua
Lebih tinggi dengan hanya sebagai nya Grosir Tanah Abangsaja dibandingkan anggota.
Kedua adalah pernah menjadi kepanitiaan. Seorang
Mahasiswa berprestasi selalu terlibat kepanitiaan Sebuah acara dalam,
Yang baik ITU kepanitiaan dilaksanakan oleh oleh universitas maupun luar
kampus LSM. Point sangat lagusoo kepanitiaan dipengaruhi oleh tingkatan ataupun kapasitas, sii posisi dalam dia kepanitiaan tersebut. Sama seperti dalam berorganisasi posisi garaac.
Ketiga adalah pernah memperoleh kejuaraan Ilmiah Mahasiswa. Di
ilmiah bidang, calon Mahasiswa Yang harus memperoleh gelar Mawapres
memperoleh kejuaraan ilmiah, misalnya menjadi maalin pernah Lomba Karya
Tulis juara Ilmiah Tingkat Nasional atau lomba Menulis esay siin
debagainya. atau cakupan tingkatan Yang dari wilayah IA peroleh Juga mempengaruhi dhibic penilaian dari dewan Juri.
Keempat adalah pernah menghasilkan: keenista. Oleh
dilakukan: keenista Yang harus Mahasiswa dibuktikan Agen Bola Terpercayadengan atau laporan
makalah Yang pernah menjadi Mahasiswa Selama teliti IA di universitas
tingkat maupun diluar perguruan tinggi.
Kelima adalah pernah menjadi pembicara makalah atau penyaji. Seorang Mahasiswa berprestasi harus Berbagi ilmu guna kepada mereka sama sama mencapai kesuksesan bersama. Mahasiswa
sebagai calon berpretasi, dia pernah Berbagi ilmu Yang dari hasil:
keenista IA pernah menjadi lakukan lagu lisay ka Mahasiswa sebelum
memperoleh gelar Mahasiswa berprestasi.
Keenam adalah pernah menjadi Moderator. Menjadi
pemimpin diskusi ilmiah dalam boorso merupakan hal Yang sangat lumrah
waa seorang Mahasiswa berprestasi, pasca karena terpilih IA Caqaan
selalu menjadi seorang mawapres memperoleh panggilan dalam untuk menjadi
pemimpin Kajian ilmia.
Ketujuh adalah pernah mengikuti kegiatan ilmiah seminar. seminar kegiatan merupakan kegiatan memperoleh ilmu jiifsan diluar kegiatan perkuliahan seorang Mahasiswa. Maka sangatlah penting hal kanaalada kita guna menambahkan pengetahuan sebagai Mahasiswa calon berprestasi.
Ketujuh adalah pernah mengikuti kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat.
kedelapan adalah pernah mengikuti pelatihan.
Kesembilan adalah memiliki 2 tahun u sheegi lahaa kerja maksimal.
siiyaan adalah terakhir Yang di bidang bakat prestasi memiliki, minat, penalaran, sii lainnya.
Masing-Masing bidang ITU hanya dipilih kegiatan lima dhunkasho Yang dhigaan caqlixumo iyo lugeeyo menurut dhibic nya. Kesepuluh
Agen Judi Online bidang tersebut dibuktikan harus dengan Yang pernah
sertifikat-sertifikat calon oleh diraih Mahasiswa berpretasi, karena
Maka jika tidak Caqaan didiskualifikasi otomatis qalalan.
Selebihnya silahkan kita bersama sama diskusikan qalalan. saja hanya kanaalada Berbagi u sheegi lahaa.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
In today's modern times many people have started thinking to actually maintain their own health .
In today's modern times many people have started thinking to actually maintain their own health . Where
they started from the foods they eat , they are trying to eat healthy
foods and fruits and natural without preservatives and Obat Pembesar Penis Vimaxfree from
chemicals . Now sought organic foods free from pesticides and which contains anti -oxidants to ward off free radicals in the body . And one of them is that they are looking for guava fruit . Guava now has a pretty good prospect and promise as well as easy in cultivation and marketing .
Well ... for friends who want to cultivate guava , here I try to describe and explain how the planting and maintenance .
1.Dimulai of land preparation , land preparation starts from the groundbreaking that the land becomes loose and free from disturbing crops and weeds . Penggemburan could also do with piracy , even with piracy can scarify the soil deeper. Then made beds - beds with a width of 4 meters , and the length adjusted to the conditions existing land . Between beds made trenches for water sanitation to help us in the future watering . With a width of 40cm and depth of 30cm , see figure below .
2.After land and Grosir Tanah Abangseedbed ready then we make a hole with a size of 40cm x 40cm with a depth of 40cm also with the distance between holes 2 feet . Then filled with a mixture of soil , manure and chaff in the ratio 3,1,2 . So if the ground 3 buckets chaff 1 2 buckets and buckets of manure mixed and inserted into the hole , and left about 30 days before planting seedlings .
3.Lahan who had left 30 days guava seedlings ready for planting . Grafts guava seedlings that are ready then stay inserted into the prepared hole . For seeds you just come to the sale of agricultural seeds which are now widely scattered and you just choose the type of guava seeds you want . But now this is the latest type of nut type crystals with thick white flesh . But for this kind of possibility that seeds are still scarce in the market .
4.Tinggal care , maintenance and fertilization . Fertilization is done after 6 months of implantation by means of a hole created around the cashew tree trunk at a distance of about 20 - 25cm . For good results fertilization can be performed at intervals of 6 months .For the maintenance is done by watering every evening until the age of 1 month , the next interval of 3 days or approximately 've seen dry land .For treatment we can do the pruning unproductive branches and twig pruning iAgen Bola Terpercayas already long . By pruning the shoots will stimulate new shoots that will produce flowers that would later become fruit .Flowers are a lot of us leave to be a guava fruit is small, and if there is one branch 5-6 pieces then we must do the exhaust that is not too heavy so it will grow to a maximum of guava fruit for their food needs met . In 1 with 2-3 branches enough is enough fruit to nuts will form so large .To avoid guava fruit rot after the caterpillars are mature or can be done by wrapping , because the cause of the rot is the fruit fly . By wrapping the fruit flies will not be able meneluri the fruit. And packaging can be done when the wing nut is still small and the flowers have started to dry and fall . For wrappers we used to use transparent plastic the size of at least 1 kg .Each plant will inevitably be a pest intruder , as well as the guava tree pests that commonly there is a leaf caterpillars and ants both red ants and black ants . To repel these pests can with organic spraying of yam tubers ( thorny vines ) are shredded and fermented at least 1 month then filtered and mixed with water for spraying .And for spraying chemical pesticides bias withAgen Judi Online low doses only.
Harvesting is done when the fruit is completely ripe fruit that is characterized by the color that has yellow flesh color to pink to red and pink crystals because the white meat can be harvested when the nuts are already white and ready for harvest sorted and separated according to quality .
Well ... easy right? ? friends, hopefully with a little bit of writing I can to motivate you to try to develop myself , to concern themselves with things that could be useful and of course for entrepreneurs that can increase the financial income of all family friends .
And if there is one word and the words are less pleased me as a writer apologize profusely , thank you and good luck .Berita Bola
Well ... for friends who want to cultivate guava , here I try to describe and explain how the planting and maintenance .
1.Dimulai of land preparation , land preparation starts from the groundbreaking that the land becomes loose and free from disturbing crops and weeds . Penggemburan could also do with piracy , even with piracy can scarify the soil deeper. Then made beds - beds with a width of 4 meters , and the length adjusted to the conditions existing land . Between beds made trenches for water sanitation to help us in the future watering . With a width of 40cm and depth of 30cm , see figure below .
2.After land and Grosir Tanah Abangseedbed ready then we make a hole with a size of 40cm x 40cm with a depth of 40cm also with the distance between holes 2 feet . Then filled with a mixture of soil , manure and chaff in the ratio 3,1,2 . So if the ground 3 buckets chaff 1 2 buckets and buckets of manure mixed and inserted into the hole , and left about 30 days before planting seedlings .
3.Lahan who had left 30 days guava seedlings ready for planting . Grafts guava seedlings that are ready then stay inserted into the prepared hole . For seeds you just come to the sale of agricultural seeds which are now widely scattered and you just choose the type of guava seeds you want . But now this is the latest type of nut type crystals with thick white flesh . But for this kind of possibility that seeds are still scarce in the market .
4.Tinggal care , maintenance and fertilization . Fertilization is done after 6 months of implantation by means of a hole created around the cashew tree trunk at a distance of about 20 - 25cm . For good results fertilization can be performed at intervals of 6 months .For the maintenance is done by watering every evening until the age of 1 month , the next interval of 3 days or approximately 've seen dry land .For treatment we can do the pruning unproductive branches and twig pruning iAgen Bola Terpercayas already long . By pruning the shoots will stimulate new shoots that will produce flowers that would later become fruit .Flowers are a lot of us leave to be a guava fruit is small, and if there is one branch 5-6 pieces then we must do the exhaust that is not too heavy so it will grow to a maximum of guava fruit for their food needs met . In 1 with 2-3 branches enough is enough fruit to nuts will form so large .To avoid guava fruit rot after the caterpillars are mature or can be done by wrapping , because the cause of the rot is the fruit fly . By wrapping the fruit flies will not be able meneluri the fruit. And packaging can be done when the wing nut is still small and the flowers have started to dry and fall . For wrappers we used to use transparent plastic the size of at least 1 kg .Each plant will inevitably be a pest intruder , as well as the guava tree pests that commonly there is a leaf caterpillars and ants both red ants and black ants . To repel these pests can with organic spraying of yam tubers ( thorny vines ) are shredded and fermented at least 1 month then filtered and mixed with water for spraying .And for spraying chemical pesticides bias withAgen Judi Online low doses only.
Harvesting is done when the fruit is completely ripe fruit that is characterized by the color that has yellow flesh color to pink to red and pink crystals because the white meat can be harvested when the nuts are already white and ready for harvest sorted and separated according to quality .
Well ... easy right? ? friends, hopefully with a little bit of writing I can to motivate you to try to develop myself , to concern themselves with things that could be useful and of course for entrepreneurs that can increase the financial income of all family friends .
And if there is one word and the words are less pleased me as a writer apologize profusely , thank you and good luck .Berita Bola
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Bra or breast coverings are considered important by women because it brings benefits . Among them was sagging breasts and toned , and supporting performances , especially when wearing a kebaya . Is it true that notion ? Research conducted in France for 15 years found it otherwise , as reported by Wearing a bra just does not make breasts sag and help reduce back pain . " Medically , psychology and anatomy , wearing a bra is not beneficial , " said Jean - Denos Rouillon , professor of French researchers who conducted the study . " Contrast . Breasts sag even with wearing a bra . " The study was conducted on 330 women . Conclusions drawn after breast changes observed in women not wearing a bra and wearing a bra . As a result, more toned breasts naturally in women who do not wear bras . Conversely , when worn bra breasts become dependent on artificial nature advocates make breasts sag . One respondent in the study at Rouillon , Capucine , 28 , said on France Info since he took part in the study , he was not wearing a bra for almost two years . " There are a lot of benefits , I breathe easier , I can support the body better and less frequent back pain , " he said . Are the results of this study are prohibited from wearing a bra ? " While we validate the hypothesis that the bra is a necessity that one ... is it dangerous to advise all women stopped wearing bras . Because the women who participated in the study do not represent the entire population , " said Rouillon . ( Jibi / nj / wde )
Bra or breast coverings are considered important by women because it brings benefits .
Among them was sagging breasts and toned , and supporting performances , especially when wearing a kebaya .
Is it true that notion ?
Research conducted in France for 15 years found it otherwise , as reported by
Wearing a bra just does not make breasts sag and help reduce back pain .
" Medically , psychology and anatomy , wearing a bra is not beneficial , " said Jean - Denos Rouillon , professor of French researchers who conducted the study .
" Contrast . Breasts sag even with wearing a bra . "
The study was conducted on 330
women . Conclusions drawn after breast changes observed in women not wearing a bra and wearing a bra .
As a result, more toned breasts naturally in women who do not wear bras . Conversely , when worn bra breasts become dependent on artificial nature advocates make breasts sag .
One respondent in the study at Rouillon , Capucine , 28 , said on France Info since he took part in the study , he was not wearing a bra for almost two years .
" There are a lot of benefits , I breathe easier , I can support the body better and less frequent back pain , " he said .
Are the results of this study are prohibited from wearing a bra ?
" While we validate the hypothesis that the bra is a necessity that one ... is it dangerous to advise all women stopped wearing bras . Because the women who participated in the study do not represent the entire population , " said Rouillon . ( Jibi / nj / wde )
Among them was sagging breasts and toned , and supporting performances , especially when wearing a kebaya .
Is it true that notion ?
Research conducted in France for 15 years found it otherwise , as reported by
Wearing a bra just does not make breasts sag and help reduce back pain .
" Medically , psychology and anatomy , wearing a bra is not beneficial , " said Jean - Denos Rouillon , professor of French researchers who conducted the study .
" Contrast . Breasts sag even with wearing a bra . "
The study was conducted on 330
women . Conclusions drawn after breast changes observed in women not wearing a bra and wearing a bra .
As a result, more toned breasts naturally in women who do not wear bras . Conversely , when worn bra breasts become dependent on artificial nature advocates make breasts sag .
One respondent in the study at Rouillon , Capucine , 28 , said on France Info since he took part in the study , he was not wearing a bra for almost two years .
" There are a lot of benefits , I breathe easier , I can support the body better and less frequent back pain , " he said .
Are the results of this study are prohibited from wearing a bra ?
" While we validate the hypothesis that the bra is a necessity that one ... is it dangerous to advise all women stopped wearing bras . Because the women who participated in the study do not represent the entire population , " said Rouillon . ( Jibi / nj / wde )
Monday, February 10, 2014
Ligning Vagina Kvinder og Shark . Kvindelige kønsorganer
Ligning Vagina Kvinder og Shark . Kvindelige kønsorganer , eller hvad vi kalder skeden er en del af en kvindes krop, der er helt unik.
Ikke blot af form og funktionLigaTaruhan Agen Bola, Agen Sbobet, Agen Ibcbet, Agen 338A Terpercaya
, men karakteristisk , Miss V har nogle fakta , som kan overraske at kvinderne ikke var klar over det. Hvad er de unikke fakta om Miss V , følgende svar som citeret fra side Huffington Post.
Når vakt, Reaction Miss V Svarende til Mr. PSponsorerede links
Hos mænd , en erektion er et tegn på, at manden var blevet seksuelt ophidset . Ikke meget anderledes end de kvinder, der også har oplevet det samme. Shelly Holmström , MD, professor i Obstetrik og gynækologi ved University of South Florida anfører, at små skamlæber område har et netværk, der kan hærde når vakt. Det samme netværk , som kan findes på penis .
Miss V egenskaber og Shark Samme ?Oversigt over erklæring er ganske spændende . Men undersøgelser har vist, at den smørende væske , der kommer ud af skeden under stimulation har en organisk komponent kaldet squalen , et stof, som også findes i hajleverolie .
nem inficeretBarbering hår, der vokser i området af kvindelighed er vigtigt at renholdelse af Miss V. Men Susan Taylor , MD, en hudlæge oprindelsen af Philadelphia anbefaler, at du være forsigtig , fordi hvis der er en klippe eller ridse mulighed for bakterier at komme ind i såret er stor nok og kan føre til infektion.
Susan tilføjede, at ikke bruger en barbermaskine sving og undgå samleje 2-3 dage efter barbering .
Miss V kan også svedtendensIkke kun huden på den ydre del af kroppen, der kan svede, Miss V kan også svede som en måde at beskytte huden mod friktion vagina samtidig holde temperaturen omkring skeden for at forblive stabilt. Sved er fremstillet af hundredvis af svedkirtler under huden på skamlæberne og klitoris.
Hår vil ikke savne V Hair Gennem chefDu kan være undrende , hvad der ville ske, hvis hår i intime områder ikke barberet i lang tid , kunne være alt hår på hovedet ? " Chancerne er meget små og endog umuligt, fordi kønsbehåring ikke er programmeret til at vokse sammen ," sagde Shelly Holmström .
Miss V Kan AgingAging det sikkert , og alle organer i Bisnis Investasi Online Sebagai Lowongan Kerja, Dan Peluang Usaha Murah
vil blive påvirket , herunder Miss V. En seksualundervisning ekspert Dr. Charlie Glickman fra USA sagde , at det ikke betyder aldringen af Miss V Miss V rynker, men snarere, at der er en nedsat evne musklen til Miss V.
For at holde det fungerer optimalt Vagina , Charlie foreslog at prøve Kegel øvelser . Kegel øvelser er en effektiv øvelse at træne de vaginale muskler med alderen
Ikke blot af form og funktionLigaTaruhan Agen Bola, Agen Sbobet, Agen Ibcbet, Agen 338A Terpercaya
, men karakteristisk , Miss V har nogle fakta , som kan overraske at kvinderne ikke var klar over det. Hvad er de unikke fakta om Miss V , følgende svar som citeret fra side Huffington Post.
Når vakt, Reaction Miss V Svarende til Mr. PSponsorerede links
Hos mænd , en erektion er et tegn på, at manden var blevet seksuelt ophidset . Ikke meget anderledes end de kvinder, der også har oplevet det samme. Shelly Holmström , MD, professor i Obstetrik og gynækologi ved University of South Florida anfører, at små skamlæber område har et netværk, der kan hærde når vakt. Det samme netværk , som kan findes på penis .
Miss V egenskaber og Shark Samme ?Oversigt over erklæring er ganske spændende . Men undersøgelser har vist, at den smørende væske , der kommer ud af skeden under stimulation har en organisk komponent kaldet squalen , et stof, som også findes i hajleverolie .
nem inficeretBarbering hår, der vokser i området af kvindelighed er vigtigt at renholdelse af Miss V. Men Susan Taylor , MD, en hudlæge oprindelsen af Philadelphia anbefaler, at du være forsigtig , fordi hvis der er en klippe eller ridse mulighed for bakterier at komme ind i såret er stor nok og kan føre til infektion.
Susan tilføjede, at ikke bruger en barbermaskine sving og undgå samleje 2-3 dage efter barbering .
Miss V kan også svedtendensIkke kun huden på den ydre del af kroppen, der kan svede, Miss V kan også svede som en måde at beskytte huden mod friktion vagina samtidig holde temperaturen omkring skeden for at forblive stabilt. Sved er fremstillet af hundredvis af svedkirtler under huden på skamlæberne og klitoris.
Hår vil ikke savne V Hair Gennem chefDu kan være undrende , hvad der ville ske, hvis hår i intime områder ikke barberet i lang tid , kunne være alt hår på hovedet ? " Chancerne er meget små og endog umuligt, fordi kønsbehåring ikke er programmeret til at vokse sammen ," sagde Shelly Holmström .
Miss V Kan AgingAging det sikkert , og alle organer i Bisnis Investasi Online Sebagai Lowongan Kerja, Dan Peluang Usaha Murah
vil blive påvirket , herunder Miss V. En seksualundervisning ekspert Dr. Charlie Glickman fra USA sagde , at det ikke betyder aldringen af Miss V Miss V rynker, men snarere, at der er en nedsat evne musklen til Miss V.
For at holde det fungerer optimalt Vagina , Charlie foreslog at prøve Kegel øvelser . Kegel øvelser er en effektiv øvelse at træne de vaginale muskler med alderen
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
often tends to be brutal army and thirsty women
In the midst of conflict , often tends to be brutal army and thirsty women . Soldiers often prefer to rape rather than protecting women .
In the Congo , reveals the latest news , as much as 248 women have been raped soldiers Sud - Kivu province in the Democratic Republic tanah abang of Congo , an area that is so central to the most evil of rape in the world .
Soldiers in Congo known as malignant . An earlier report noted , more than 1,100 women raped every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health , on Tuesday ( 10/5/2011 ) said the figures showed that sexual violence against women in the country 26 times higher than previously thought .
Based on the study published on the press , more than 400,000 women and girls aged 15-49 are raped in war -torn countries in the Central Africa for 12 months in 2006 and 2007 .
Based on previous UN report , rape cases in the same period reached 15,000 cases . No wonder the region is called the United Nations as the " rape capital of the world" . So many women were raped and suffered with severe traumatic lifetime .
United Nations ( UN ) , a group of human rights activists ( human rights ) , and foreign governments have long complained about impunity for heinous crimes that occurred that made soldiers in the lowongan kerja Congo . Margot Wallstrom , the UN special representative on combating sexual violence in conflict wilayak , some time ago, called , the Democratic Republic of Congo as the " rape capital city " in the world .
Rape can be done anywhere, in the ruins of buildings , terrain or bushes . According to the report of a doctor in a hospital Nakiele , as many as 121 local women reported being a victim of rape in two days .
Meanwhile , a nurse said , on other days as many as 55 women were reportedly raped near the town of Abala . A health workers say , as many as 72 women in the village Kanguli melalaporkan , they also raped on the same day .
Village Chief Nakiele , Losema Etamo Ngoma , told AFP , rape and looting carried out by at least 150 armed men under the command of the national army colonel Nyiragire Kulimushi , which is also known as " Kifaru " .
" The results of our study to ensure that previous estimates of rape and sexual violence are very far from the true prevalence of sexual violence occurring in the DRC , " said Amber Peterman , lead author of the study.
In fact , figure study it is still a conservative estimate of the true prevalence of sexual violence . Therefore , not all cases recorded or unreported because of fear about the stigma , shame , and social exclusion .
The study , which collected data from 2007 , grosir did not include sexual violence among young women aged less than 15 years or women older than 49 years . The study also did not include sexual violence among boys and adult males . It would be immoral .
In the Congo , reveals the latest news , as much as 248 women have been raped soldiers Sud - Kivu province in the Democratic Republic tanah abang of Congo , an area that is so central to the most evil of rape in the world .
Soldiers in Congo known as malignant . An earlier report noted , more than 1,100 women raped every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) . The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health , on Tuesday ( 10/5/2011 ) said the figures showed that sexual violence against women in the country 26 times higher than previously thought .
Based on the study published on the press , more than 400,000 women and girls aged 15-49 are raped in war -torn countries in the Central Africa for 12 months in 2006 and 2007 .
Based on previous UN report , rape cases in the same period reached 15,000 cases . No wonder the region is called the United Nations as the " rape capital of the world" . So many women were raped and suffered with severe traumatic lifetime .
United Nations ( UN ) , a group of human rights activists ( human rights ) , and foreign governments have long complained about impunity for heinous crimes that occurred that made soldiers in the lowongan kerja Congo . Margot Wallstrom , the UN special representative on combating sexual violence in conflict wilayak , some time ago, called , the Democratic Republic of Congo as the " rape capital city " in the world .
Rape can be done anywhere, in the ruins of buildings , terrain or bushes . According to the report of a doctor in a hospital Nakiele , as many as 121 local women reported being a victim of rape in two days .
Meanwhile , a nurse said , on other days as many as 55 women were reportedly raped near the town of Abala . A health workers say , as many as 72 women in the village Kanguli melalaporkan , they also raped on the same day .
Village Chief Nakiele , Losema Etamo Ngoma , told AFP , rape and looting carried out by at least 150 armed men under the command of the national army colonel Nyiragire Kulimushi , which is also known as " Kifaru " .
" The results of our study to ensure that previous estimates of rape and sexual violence are very far from the true prevalence of sexual violence occurring in the DRC , " said Amber Peterman , lead author of the study.
In fact , figure study it is still a conservative estimate of the true prevalence of sexual violence . Therefore , not all cases recorded or unreported because of fear about the stigma , shame , and social exclusion .
The study , which collected data from 2007 , grosir did not include sexual violence among young women aged less than 15 years or women older than 49 years . The study also did not include sexual violence among boys and adult males . It would be immoral .
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